Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Review on “Sparkling Water” Bubly

My first and last try of this sparkling water trend kick everyone is on.  I just recently purchased Bubly  Sparkling Water grapefruit flavor and I don’t get what’s so great about it. I mean there’s no flavor no flavor at all. There’s barely a slight taste of something that resembles the idea there trying to Implant into your head to make you think your tasting grapefruit..but come on it’s crap. It does have that carbon effect if your craving it but that’s it. I had to in Han early the flavor by adding grapes slices from those jugs of grapefruit they sell at the store. Plus I added some of the juice and strawberry slices to it to actually give it a good enough taste to finish my glass off. And why did I even put the effort into this if I dislike it so much..cause I’m trying to avoid having a real soda ughhhhh. I’m done on to the next rant. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Empty nester

Why I'm I here..I mean what I'm I doing..why can't I find my voice. I'm 40yrs old and I feel so two youngest boys who are 19 and 18 have booth graduated and are enrolled in college. Time has gone by way to fast I feel the last 3 years have been a blur. I'm still butting heads with my youngest who's 18. I feel he's still a kid and my husband tells me it's time to let go and let him make his own mistakes and let him learn the hard way. But as a mother who's been there I just want to guide him to the right path but maybe I do need to let go. But I can't at least not all the way yet. Is this what empty nesting feels like or is this just my 40's crashing down on me. I need to figure out who I am now. My life has always revolved in helping others especially my boys. I just need time away to  think clearly and put life into prospective.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Butter is your friend.

Maybe it's my age that is leading me to share a couple of thoughts as to why I think my cooking and baking  have improved greatly over the years. As I  approach my 40th birthday I've come realize  it is nessary to take those extra steps in investing into certain ingredits that really can make the meal be as tasty as those Facebook post you see. For instance vanilla..I think a good vanilla can make a difference in those chocolate chip cookies we all love. Also fresh brown eggs..something about the rich dark yolk makes a big difference. And butter..a real good butter does wonders. I also enjoy in experimenting in different spices and I'm learning to not to have a heavy hand with them but be generous enough to give flavor. Also I've learned a good cast iron skillet can do wonders. I'm still learning with my cast irons but I got to tell you once you have figured out what is a good temp to cook in them and how to season them and wash them there really great to use. Fall is around the corner and the ideas that are flooding my brain right now have me excited for the season to arrive. My boys are out for our homecoming football game and I'm home alone with our dogs and just felt like sharing a bit. Hope you all have good evening. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Birthday fail dealing with teens.

Sunday 10/11/2015
 My youngest sons birthday was yesterday..he turned 17. I so badly wanted to have a good day with him a small get together with family and he didn't want to have anything to do with it. Apparently he had plans with his friends which I got upset cause we have always celebrated who's ever birthday it is on that day just us as a family then comes the party or whatever we plan for it. So we went back and forth in fighting threw text messages cause he was at work while I was trying to get everything for the BBQ..and I finally just gave up and let him leave. Was I selfish for wanting him to myself..I hated that we argued the whole day on his birthday. I miss my little boy. I can't believe he's now 17 I just wish he would not try so hard to grow up so quickly and cherish family time more. I know he's a teen and he must be seeing this threw a whole new perspective then me but still it's hard to let go. Ugh..I really just wanted to ring the kids neck lol and say you can't go that's it. I'm truly at that moment were I feel my boys will soon be out of the house and I just want to get has much time with them as I can. I just took my other son who will graduate this school year 2016 to get size for his graduating ring. Can't time slow down just a little so I can get some time with my boys. 

Just a little ranting from a mother..

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why is it when you think you have things figured out you don't and when you try to figured them out you just end up more screw up then what you were before. Why does it have to be hard in finding peace with in yourself. Sometimes I think I'm more lost then the average lost person. I wish I could go to India and find a budapest type person the ones who help you find the real you deep beneath all the crap that is drowning you. I feel Im living someone else's life a fife of nothing and I know I was meant for more. I'm in there some where waitting to get out and let loose. I cam feel myself..I can hear myself..but do I know what Iam suppose to do no..I'm stuck and if I don't do something I'm going to drown in my own sadness. I'm meant to do something I'm meat to be someone.

Monday, March 7, 2011

 Reading has become a source of calmness to my life a piece of mind. There is a great satisfaction in just being able to sit and indulge in a good read. It's those couple of lines you read that just catch you off guard but hold you to that story wanting more. I love reading weather its  comedy,horror,mystery,paranormal romance or even the back of the bottle of  Herbal eSSences shampoo..ohlala. I'm not a writer or do I pretend to be one,I'm your average wife and mother who needs a good get away with in story. I do love to give my opinion on those few that catch my attention as yourself and books I have just read. I just started this blog for the fun to see where it leads to,so from time to time i might just drop by and say a few words. I'm simpling living among my books at the moment.